Monday, December 16, 2013

Ooh! What do we have here?

One might notice that the title of this post isn't Which-pen-did-I-use-today... Physics exam (because that's the exam I had today!) The reason for that is quite simple really, I'm using the same pens as last week, so it wouldn't make much sense showing you the same pen twice in a row. However I do have something nice to show you instead...

This weekend -while I was studying Physics- I decided to do somethiung fun, relaxation is as important as studying itself, isn't it? So my dad and I decided to go a to nearby store I like (because they have pens, duh!) 

As soon as we got there, something immediately caught my attention: pens on sale! So I headed over to the office aisle, and I started scavenging for the pen I would take home with me. In the end, this lovely Inoxcrom Sirocco made the cut (sterling silver pen at half it's original price? Yes please!) 

I know It's an old pen, but honestly, would you be able to resist it?

 P.S.: I will definitely write a full review about this pen, but for now I'll be studying chemistry! I will probably start writing 'normal' posts again within a few days!

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